Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Keep looking up!

...wow! so much has happened since my last entry. Larry has been so busy with work; Joy and the kids were here; and we've had to say good by to Missy....

I'm so tired of emotional things. When we're tired, we tend to hang our heads, literally, emotionally, spiritually. A friend, seeking for herself, reminded me of the answer, on Sunday... that we can't let ourselves quit believing that God is still working.

Today I got up and decided that no matter what, I'm going to be thankful. I'm overwhelmed on one hand -- but on the other hand, there is a whole lot of "wonderful!" going on around me. And if I have to remind myself of the wonderful things four times a day -- well, that will be what fills my mind!

I'm thankful for the beautiful hills -- and thankful they aren't rolling down on us! Geology tells us they were volcanoes thousands of years ago. I'm thankful for a terrific man who calls me 3-4 times a day -- after 30 years of marriage! And that I don't like taking a trip out of town without him -- even if it's to see grandkids! I'm thankful that God listens to little ole me, bumbling, stumbling, oh-so-human. I'm thankful for cell phones and kids that call me, for grandkids that say, "you're my fwiend!", and that I don't have cancer!

I may get over one bump and not see the mound I must climb around the next bend -- but I don't want to see it yet. For today I'll just enjoy the sunshine, the flowers growing in the sidewalk cracks -- and the time and eyes that will let me sew. How I love to sew!

For tonight this is enough. I'm going to make tomorrow a good day too!