Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Best Things!

It's my birthday today! Hmmmm .... what do I want?

A husband whose first words at 6 am are "happy birthday, dear" ...........

Text from a friend .............

Text from a sister ............

Call from my dad .............

6 AM text from a daughter .............

10 AM note from another daughter ..............

Yesterday's early wishes from still another daughter .............

Coffee with another friend ...........

A list of FB wishes to check and read !!!!!!!!!!!!!

What more could anyone wish for?????????????

Time with each one to just watch their faces, enjoy their joy, their love, their zest for life!

I'll continue to relish, and be thankful, and keep that time for days! No @($% or !!!! or **** can tell the thrill of sharing love. It's deep and sweet, confusing or clear, but solid and assuring.

What a wonderful time to be alive! To count each day as a gift, not only from the Giver, but from each one who shares him- or herself with me!

No better gift .......................