Thursday, February 27, 2014

Making the Most

I have only seven minutes. Today is busy with a morning listening to second graders read, and then running to Dad Pusey's for afternoon. Two years ago I might have had plans for one activity all day, and filled in with solitaire, sudoku, and LOTS of reading.

But life has changed drastically. We are in Idaho, Larry is retired, and the demands of that life seem very far away.

Today I want to make the most of every moment. Every moment is an opportunity. A moment to make a child smile, to compliment a weary teacher, to tease my lover and best friend, to pray for the ones I love who are walking through hard times. And savor! I want to savor their responses! Remember what they share in response. Listen with ears and with heart. Listen with attentiveness to THEM, not thinking about what I want out of them next.

Most of all, I want to be thankful. That I have today. Health. Freedom. Companionship.

I'm glad to have survived my storms and lived to anticipate another spring.

God was, and IS good.