Thursday, March 13, 2008

Almost time for our BIG trip. So much coordinating! It will be good to see them all, especially Jenny's kids, and little Paul starting to interact. Emily is always interacting! She's our (only) princess. The rest are all princes!

My dad is excited and planning menus. Thank God, he's done so well. Soon spring will be here and he can walk the neighborhood and the garden. He'll engage the two little neighborhood school boys who he enjoys so much, and watch for opps to bless them.

God has mercifully provided lots of birds for Daddy to enjoy this winter. After the big storm of last week, it was pretty much him and the birds for a couple of days. Mother loved the birds too, but Daddy the most. I can remember a feeder he built back when -- I was about 4th grade -- and he'd put out a piece of suet and seed, and we'd check on them every day. When Mother was sick last winter, we'd get outdoors -- us, or Daddy -- somebody had to feed the birds!

It will be good to see how Larry's folks are doing, to listen to them, have them enjoy Lora and Andrew, Joy and Luke. I haven't been around enough in a while to follow their speech or thinking. Larry's dad is more and more shaky, but mom seems clear if a bit worrisome. Tim thinks they are about the same. We'll surely get to spend time with Steve and Gail, which time we haven't had for quite a while. I saw Gail last visit, but look forward to seeing them both again this trip.

And the always promised event when we visit -- Parents' Night Out! Jenny was overwhelmed when she got home from work yesterday, and said, "I HAVE to have a night out with Jon when you are here." That's fine. We can do that.

Need to go do life. Finish packing. Go see about a bid on our kitchen remodeling!

Today I thank God for the same old same old. Usually I don't like routine, I like originality, initiative, inguenity. But I also thank him for giving us food, warmth, safety, even technology, day after day after day. For controlled atmospheric temperature (within reason) day after day after day. I thank him for a husband who makes me oatmeal because it's become part of his routine -- it started with love, and now giving has become his habit.

Lord, you have blessed me so much. Bless others through me today.


Amanda said...

HI Linda! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It is such a fun way to keep up with people!

joy said...

Have a safe trip! We'll see you soon!