Sunday, November 30, 2008


When our girls were little, we drove home one night listening to a 4-year-old backseat singer, thanking God for the moon and the stars, toys, and yes -- broccoli. We heard that song this weekend -- without mention of the broccoli. Little ones singing a tune that has never been written down, from a heart that is so content and overflowing, mentioning - or not mentioning - the simple joys of life. That really brings you back to earth - remembering the simple pleasures. And how close I was to forgetting them amid the "big" problems of life.
It was fun. No - precious. Watching two little heads peer at the multi-colored lights. "Mo' Kwismas!" "I's Bwootiful!"

Another cherished memory will be today's 6 1/2-hour drive home. (NO, we didn't speed. We ate before leaving and only made one bathroom stop!) I'm so thankful for Larry. Too many times I talk - and keep talking - to explain my point. Today he talked a lot, trying to explain his understanding of my feelings. He knows me, and appreciates what I have invested in our home, marriage, and family. He understands that sometimes I am not logical, but he also(sometimes) knows why I am not logical. We HAVE been working on this understanding (AND listening) thing for almost 31 years. Sometimes it seems like we are on different wave lengths, but today we rode the same one.

It's great to be with family. Just hanging out together. Larry mentioned (again) how God sent the right guys for our girls.

We're also thankful that gas prices are down!!! And for health for our parents. And for our siblings.

And for tomorrow. Tomorrow. A new day, a new opportunity, a new chance at hope. Gotta take it. Not taking it -- is dismal.

Blessings! Be thankful!

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