Monday, December 22, 2008

Terrified Shepherds?

From the stories I've heard, shepherds have to be pretty brave guys. They are roaming a "wilderness" not like the cool lush fields I've imagined. We've heard the story of David (from the Bible) killing a bear and a lion. And reaching or climbing over cliffs to rescue a wayward lamb takes some kind of courage. There's a reason we're not all rock climbers.

So why were the shepherds terrified when the angels came to announce birth of a baby in the nearby village? I heard the thot yesterday that they were in awe -- no, more than awe or amazement; actually terror -- of the Presence that they sensed. The Bible says it was "the glory of the Lord". I've been wondering just what that is.

All the things I know about God, and much more, wrapped into a "Glory"! Power, justice, strength, mercy, grace and forgiveness -- on a scale beyond my best mathematical comprehension. I can't imagine just what that would be, but I do believe the likelihood of terror. I am too weak to be all I want to be, even tho I know I should. I just mess up too often. Ask my family. Being in that presence would likewise bring ME to terror.

I don't think "the Glory" came to threaten the biblical "bouncers". The story says the angels came in peace. Somehow, that means peace for me today too -- Christmas and more. I'm still a possibility.

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