Thursday, May 29, 2008

Seeing the Other Side

Well, this has been our temporary kitchen for the past 3 weeks. Not too bad, really. We plug the microwave into a power strip, and the coffee maker, George Foreman or toaster into an extension cord that goes out to the garage. After a half dozen times flipping the breaker -- we learned!

Supper can be about anything we want -- as long as we do it on the GF rather than the stove -- and we have the energy. We didn't always have the energy WITH the stove in place, so soup is always a must-have staple. Last night we had Southwestern vegetarian soup, with addition of garbanzo and black beans, and some good black pepper. Yummy! My bowl was too big!

Bill is doing awesome job too! He raised the ceiling, taped and textured both kitchen and dining rooms, and we painted over the weekend. Randy and Julie stopped Saturday night to check, and then offered (we accepted!) to help us finish walls. I had done ceiling early in day and my poopy arm was tired. I can go back and add second coat little bit at a time.

On left is wall backing bathroom, where stove goes. Center is facing backyard, and whole is for dishwasher. The right is NEW CABINETS ON WALL and below, where microwave cart was before. Peninsula will be in third picture, but MUCH prettier than before. SO much more cabinet space. I hope I don't fill it all! I had stacked so much stuff in old cabinets, that I can imagine filling it all easily.
Dear Larry. He's so overwhelmed. He's already looking ahead to the next mountain range (scraping the ceilings!). I think he's doing it for me. Somehow I just don't communicate myself to him vey well. I guess it's the old story of men seeing facts, and women seeing relationships. He sees an ongoing project; I see ongoing dust. Today I'm going to capture as much dust as I can! along with doing finances, calling doctors, checking on payroll mistakes, doing laundry -- and getting ready to go back to school tomorrow. He needs time off! -- but won't take it! Always feels pressure from somewhere. I don't want to do anything to make his pressure worse.
So today I'll be thankful! ALL day! And do what I need to do, to make myself encouraging to him!

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