Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Oh, the blessing of being exhausted by grandkids!

Last weekend I traveled with some grandparent friends to visit our kids -- and grandkids. We had a great time together -- talking lots about -- OUR GRANDKIDS.

We arrived in time to help decorate cookies. Two little guys wearing Mom's aprons, icing and sprinkles stuck to cheeks and fingers, made a revived spirit after a long day on the road.

Joy and I had opportunity to watch "big kid" movies like "The Great
Debaters" and "The Illusionist". Good comfy time. Not movies one can
usually fall asleep to -- but Jer had a really long week.

Aunt Lora had planned on babysitting during Sunday's amazing City of Trees Marathon in Boise. (Joy and Jer both ran a spectacular 13 miles!) My visit gave Lora an extra half hour sleep Sunday morning. But no way could either of us have handled the boys at the race on our own! She and I had a great time together, taking two toddlers potty, meeting friends at the race, readying for naptime.

With the boys, we watched movies, played trains, went to McD's for ice cream, and sang in the car. All the great things a gramma loves to witness -- and be a part of. When it was time to leave, Ian invited me to daycare, then teared up when I told him I had to go home and take care of Papa. Within 5 minutes he was telling me to "go take care of Papa." Papa was sorely missed on this visit.
Jenny's Emily turned 3 yesterday! Recently Jenny got off the phone , turned, and saw Emily with hands on hips and a big grin. "Emily, did you hear what I was talking about?" "YES I DID!" It was birthday plans. As Jenny says, Emily is a "mess". All curls and grins! Paul (9 months) has officially pushed down his sister to get what he wanted.

There's nothing like the love of family and friends. It comes from hanging on in the good times and the bad, watching each person become whom he or she was created to be. And also from waiting -- WAITING -- till the next visit.
I'm working on PATIENCE. I remember an old quote from college days: "Patience is doing something else in the meantime." I always want to be doing something, so I'm incorporating more "things" into my regiment, like resting, or listening, or praying, instead of always running, or checking, or helping.
Life has had its bumps, but I'm lelarning to just live with them. Go around them. Look around rather than down. Pick the flowers instead of kicking the mud. Ha! The world will go on, and I want to go on too!!!
Find just a little flower today!

1 comment:

joy said...

Cute pics. It was a great visit. Thank you for all you did.
love you