Sunday, May 31, 2009

Enough for How Long?

I'm reading an interesting book right now that is forcing me to examine just who and what I count on to get me through the good and bad times. I know I can only count on people to a point -- we all have our bad times, and our week sides. I realize God is the only totally dependable Friend.

But what about the days when I REALLY feel I need a shoulder to cry on, and either no one understands, my "whoever" friend MISunderstands, or just plain no one is available. I'm learning to wait, really wait, and believe that God is still there.

I hit a poor bird while driving home last week. The Bible says God is aware of each bird. This one's mate ran frantically around him in the road. The bird was distraught -- however distraught birds can be!

So if God cries with this poor quail that just watched me kill her mate, I KNOW He has plans for me -- exhausted, confused, fumbling, ignorant, lonely -- or however overwhelmed.

My book talks about how God provided food for the Israelite people when they were walking from Egypt back to what became their homeland. His provision was strange but satisfying. Called manna, laying on the ground each day when they awoke. They were instructed to collect only what they needed for their families, and no more. Extra always spoiled.

My author friend is comparing this kind of trust and dependence to the trust I/ we need today. So life is tuff, and we want to just chuck the circumstances that make it miserable. I've considered chucking some of my "bumps" (NOT Larry!), but am still hanging on. The point was made that when we walk away, we lose the privilege of seeing this "provision". What God has given me has brought me through today, and it brought me through a whole lot of yesterdays! If I just chuck those "bumps", what surprises might I miss! What miracles might I never see! Motivation! Inspiration!

But make no mistake -- this as no easy choice. The bumps are pretty unpleasant at times. They can get worse. I still believe God has my/ your back! He will be "ENOUGH" for as long as I let Him be. I think He wants to be my ENOUGH. I think He wants me to realize HE is my ONLY provision, that every other gift I receive in life comes first through Him. DUH! Yes, I forget it way too often.

So how long will I let Him be enough? I want it to be forever, but I need His strength even to hang on. I need enough strength for just today.

Blessings! Enjoy your today! He's got you covered!

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