Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gotta Remember!

I gotta remember it! I know it's always true! So know matter if I'm a long ways from hindsight.....

All things work out for the best if we trust God. Can't say they always work out for the best when we don't, cause I've known of some people whose hard times went from bad to worse. My attitude--remembering to trust, to grow, to not necessarily fix, and that I'm not responsible for the overall outcome--has a lot to do with my survival in the meantime. Why do I have so much trouble remembering these points on a daily basis?!

Partly being overwhelmed. Partly not reminding myself. Partly trying to figure things out.

Trying to figure out isn't necessary--maybe not even beneficial.

Keep my eye on the One who has put me here........

To just be faithful, kind, loving, dependable, learning, sharing, hoping, guiding, helping.....obeying.

So now I need to get back to work! And then rest well, and lay it all down at the end of a day, no matter how the day unfolded.

Blessings as you trust!

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