Monday, August 10, 2009

Only What is Worthwhile

Larry and I tirelessly play a repeating “Sounds of the Rainforest” CD while we sleep, night after night after night. This morning as I lay half awake, I envisioned images for the sounds. I see a garden with heavy foliage, sunrays bright in spots but faint in others, with a peaceful waterfall in the coolest, shadiest spot, some birds chirping, some gawking.

Next I transferred these sounds to our lives. We are living through a rainforest-time in our lives. God is the sunlight we see brightly in some spots, faintly in other places. The waterfall is peace away from sunlight. Sometimes people and events around us are like pleasant chirping, other times more like loud gawking. We walk through this forest day after day, returning again for the refreshment of God’s assurances, sometimes strong and assertive, other times subtle and demure.

Today before we hit the floor and started showers, I asked Larry to pray for our focus. We have too much chaos, too many crises, too little time and energy. Thank God for the rainforest escape! So Larry prayed. I love hearing his soul-expression, with word phrases I don’t often use. His word pictures come from a sincere and earnest heart that always seeks God’s direction.

He prayed for only 2 or 3 minutes, but what stuck with me was his request, “God, help us spend ourselves only on what is worthy of our time.” Good point, good prayer. What might be alluring is not always worthy. Discouraging talk? Certain TV? Worry? Wishing for the future?

God, help me spend my day on what is worthwhile. Not that every minute has to be productive, but help me not knowingly go where my fortitude or ambition will be torn down. Help me seek friends that bring sunshine and waterfalls. When I plan my rest, lead me to people of hope!

What goes in must come out. What I take in will evidence itself. As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man, says Proverbs.

Today, remembering I have a rainforest is worth my while!


Tami said...

Your strong spirituality is very evident in your writings - so sincere, humble, and inspirational because of your down to earth heart. You don't know how many times I've read your blog and felt a sense of encouragement and hope. We're all just doing the best we can and I appreciate your view on life, struggles and successes! You are reaching others just by setting a wonderful example with your life. Thank you:)

grammasnotes said...

Thanks, Tami. Thanks for reading. (Love you guys, and miss you!)