Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Something Else?

Yeah..... which "something else" shall I begin today?

During college I collected quips, starting with a couple amazing books called "Apples of Gold" and "Wings of Silver". I chose from those quotes that struck me the most, then additional ones I found any and everywhere else. One quote that has stuck with me came from a story about a missionary in China who was terribly sick, and needed the healing power of oranges. A Chinese friend walked 3 days over the mountains (and back) to get him those oranges. These two men's lives were cemented forever. The conclusion was "If you want someone to become your friend, ask him to do you a favor." That makes the receiving a little easier when I think of it in light of giving the friend gratitude, and the privilege of blessing ME.

Another quip, "If you don't stick your neck out, you'll never get your head above the crowd."

"A diamond is a piece of coal that stuck to the job."

"Roses, like thorns, need sunshine and mud."

Life doesn't settle down too often. Up the road a few years I'm hoping for a small orderly house, days to spend drinking coffee (or tea for me) till 10 am, and both of us sleeping 10-7. There will come a time to retire from the demands we face now. We won't FOREVER be displaced from our bedroom, just like a toddler won't FOREVER be in diapers. But obviously that time isn't now.

Now is time in the trenches, with life happening around us that sometimes seems like war. It's too busy, too confusing, too controversial. I hate seeing the stress Larry is under, and I ask him every morning what time he woke. Usually it's 4:30, after a 10:30 to-sleep. His doctor told him he should try to get more sleep. His life is just too stressful.

So I do something else in the meantime........ I remember that God is making a diamond out of him. I've seen that diamond cut and polished the last few years, till it's appearance and shine only faintly resemble the stone I knew 10 years ago. I note that God is growing me in boldness and teaching me to listen for his smallest voice. Thirty years ago, no one would have ever called me bold; not even ten years ago. Now I see standing up not as boldness but as obedience, and I'll do it only when I feel absolutely led by my Maker. Fewer and fewer people's disapproval scares me.

Today I'm making ring bearer's pillows for Larry's neice's wedding in two weeks. Love it! Love the opportunity to be a little creative, and even more, to contribute some help. Love creating the bow ties for two little grandsons as they walk sheepishly -- yet with those onery eyes -- down the aisle. At least I hope they both walk.

And also in the meantime, I keep working on our "construction site". We can start on flooring in our bedroom tonight, and hopefully start moving back in within a few days. PLEASE pray we do the floor quickly!

Another quote from a dear friend of my dad's, Reuben Welch, "... when you think nothing is happening, something is happening." This work on the house has bonded Larry and I -- sometimes after tough discussions, but as we strive to listen to each other's hearts. As I wait on God, I'm seeing the little signs of his handiwork in myself and others that weren't present before. And as I long to see change, I remember he is the "site foreman" overseeing all, and I'm just a workman.

My "something else in the meantime" is my everyday, often fun, often hard. I want to become a diamond that stuck to the job of tough, ordinary living.


joy said...

hey! I thought they were supposed to wear ties? are we sure bowties will look good without jackets?

grammasnotes said...

OK, let's ask to clarify!