Monday, July 20, 2009

Quotes of the Day

OK, so remember, I'm still with Joy, with a new baby and a 3 yr old and 4 1/2 yr old.

Joy wanted to encourage awake time today (in Libby), so I called the boys over to talk to her when her (blue!) eyes were open. A little later, Luke goes over to her, "Hi! I'm your big bludder!" He is so sweet to her, covering her with 6-8 burp cloths at a time. Joy had to uncover her so she wouldn't sweat. Luke didn't like that........ Tonight she found 8 of them laid gently on top of the baby swing. Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!

So Joy took Ian and Libby on a walk this afternoon while Luke was still napping. Ian wanted to push the stroller, and after a while, Joy asked if he wanted her to take a turn. "No, I have to be a good big brother!" Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!

When our kids were little, I thought that having children was the cake, and having siblings was the icing on the cake. So precious.

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