Larry and I left Wenatchee last Monday morning, arriving about 6 pm in Nampa, in time to go out to dinner with Joy and Jer. Joy started labor about 10:30 and delivered at 8:42 am Tuesday morning. Libby is gentle, hearty, and beautiful. We're all reveling in the miracle of her health and safe arrival.
My job and commitment was and is to help keep the Stockett home fires burning. Plans were already in place for Luke and Ian to go to the in-town grandparents for the night after her arrival. So L & I had Tuesday to help in-hospital, spread the word, sit w Joy. Wednesday we both played with the boys, and Larry flew home Wed night. I've watched and played with the boys since. Friday when mom was finally released and brought Libby home from hospital.
Thanks for all the love, prayers, and concern for Joy, for Libby, and for us. It was wonderful. I don't think I ever enjoyed a birth so much, and I'm sure it was because I knew on a close personal level that everything could have turned out differently. For several months Joy lived with the possibility that a shadow on Libby's ultrasound could be evidence of a birth defect. Only in the last few weeks has that fear been relieved. Even at birth the attending pediatrician studied another "irregularity", because of her "history" in ultrasounds, but she left the hospital on Friday with a clear report. All is good, thank God.
I've had a week of joy, first watching her emergence into the family, then playing at home with big brothers Ian and Luke. I'm exhausted, have had headaches, but also some of the best times I've had w grandkids for months. The boys are into male bonding,
and grandma is loved, but not really first choice for the tough stuff. But we played hide-n-seek, went to the zoo, had ice cream cones, and prayed for Libby "to treat us nice" (uh, what?) One morning Ian grabbed my hand and led me to his bed to hide from Lukey, our heads under his covers -- my feet sticking out below. At the zoo we saw only monkeys -- maybe because all the other animals were hiding from the 103 heat coming later in the day. On the way we saw a motorcyclist, and Ian noted his helmet ON, and yelled "Good job, Mister!" At DQ we had ice cream cones! With their gentle licks, I knew we'd have some kind of drippy mess, but who cared! Lukey kept groaning w heavenly delight, ".... MMMMmmmmmm". Upon leaving, Lukey couldn't find his $3 sunglasses, mounted on his forehead, and we all had a good laugh at HIS "senior moment". That became their new joke line: "Grandma, where are my sunglasses?" Such comedians! Such good laughs! Such memories!
One morning we were romping, and Luke got nose to nose, and said, "TAKE IT LIKE A MAN!" I took that to mean I was OK, female not-withstanding! Chuckles consumed me! and we romped on.
Ian's most precious statement was , "... look Mom! Jesus is making Libby's hair to grow!"
I've also had opportunity to have some good times w Lora. School is over! and she is winding down. Boxes are mounting in their living room as they pack in preparation for their end-of-the-month move to Portland. Today I helped a little, maybe a little more tomorrow.
And the price? Yep, I'm paying a price. So what! The kids and Larry are concerned I will be wiped out, but I didn't come for a vacation. I realize it will cost me something, but I'm the only one to really know the returns. The deep, deep joy of being valued by family, of being able to meet needs, exceeds any sacrifice. Life is about giving. "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace (the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi)....(because) it is in giving that we receive."
Another connection to my "Manna" book. I read in "Manna" about passing on the heritage of a die-hard faith; faith that is first conveyed through role modeling. And man! these little guys are picking up now on their role models! They are learning so much! Mom asked tonight, "... and who is the most powerful?" Ian has no problem remembering it is GOD!
I want to be a die-hard love-servant/role model, one who will give what I can when it is needed, as long as I can. At times I must watch, and at times I can step in, but I can always love, encourage, and pray. I will do that.
So for now, the cost of joy is something I can definitely afford! How grateful I am! So very grateful because I receive!
I'm positive your help was more than cherished! Grandparents mean so much to their children and grandchildren. You are awesome:) Plus it's nice as a parent to have family who love your kids that much. And I know Ian, Luke, and Libby adore you, too.
Tami, can't wait to see YOUR pics. I know you are SO busy! I keep tabs thru your blog and thru Joy. Congrats, Blessings, and Love!
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