Monday, September 14, 2009

My Mission

My new "best book" is by Leonard Sweet, "Out of the Mystery... Into the Question" speaking of relationships we have with one another, and with God, all stemming from how we are made and why we are made. VERY thought provoking read.

Today I swallowed a story that clenches my heart and describes my calling. It relates a story of Israeli Christians preparing for a seige during the 1983 Arab-Israel War in Beirut, Lebanon. The plan was for these Christians to buy up all the canned food they could find, in preparation for distribution during the seige. They were unsure how to distribute, whether 1) to give first to their members, to other Christians, and then to Muslim neighbors, or 2) to give first to Muslim neighbors, next to other Christians, and then to their members. Finally one quiet woman among them offered, "if we do not demonstrate the love of Christ in this place, who will?" They chose Option #2.

We all want to "do good", and yet we all "mess up". Another line I read in this book this morning cited the truth that Christians are not "special" people. They are messed up people who Christ makes special by his love going through them.

One of my favorite lines comes from a song I haven't heard for quite a while: ".... the saints are just the sinners who fell down and got up...." I need to get up, and look up, over and over and over.

Let's walk together, and we'll help each other up.

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