Saturday, October 31, 2009

Home Again

Just returned from a visit with the grandkids, trying to help Mom and Dad out with the rigors of everyday/ 24-7 parenting. It's a hard life! They are doing all the right things, and it's still hard. Sad to say, I think it's supposed to be. I think these hard times -- times when there is never enough help -- show us we are right where God can show us HE will take care of the really important stuff.

I referred many times lately to a book I found last spring called "Manna", meaning the food God gave his wandering Israelite children as they trekked from Egypt to Canaa, from uncertain misery to uncertain hope. I need to read the book again. It stablized me through some hard times. I'm hearing family now finding encouragement in reading it.

Sadly, I need to walk away from the grandkids and entrust them to the care of those good parents, but even more, that loving Creator who not only can, but wants to do more than I can. I need to let Him provide that "manna". Though I wish to be there, I realize the separation is good for both them and for me. Thank you God, for the "grandma fixes" but thank you for showing me what wonderful things you are doing in them.

PS. We tried for grandkid pics with me on the last morning. Joy took 5 or 6, trying for one when everyone was smiling, looking, not drooling (or spitting), not rolling to one side or the other. I wanted to show the progression of how "it takes a series" to get a picture. BUT...... I forgot my camera, at her house. Other things recently forgotten? My car tags .... 10 months after renewal date. Yes, 2 months BEFORE the NEXT renewal date.

Home again. Back to the drawing boards, looking for today's manna.

PPS. Here's one shot.

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