Friday, September 3, 2010

Slowing Down

I love this time of year, when it's crisp in the mornings, warming in the afternoons. School starts from my childhood always involved wearing a jacket in the morning, and carrying it home.

I like the change of pace that fall brings. It seems summers are becoming more of a flurry rather than the kick-back time they used to be. We hurry-up-and-have-fun and then have to rest from our recreation. :o) Where's the fun in all that?

But I'm also tired of the hand watering of my flowers. These past three weeks I've been painting and sanding, packing and unpacking, installing and shortening -- to bring the basement face-lift to an end.

I've neglected my flowers, checking for limp or dead parts as I run out for a sprig of basil at suppertime. 'Ooo, a little soft, but I don't have time now....' and I toss my concerns to the wind.

But the last few nights I've noticed a bud emerging in the rose pot on the table. Little by little, it's surviving my neglect and becoming beauty on its own -- or at least without me.

Hmmmmm ..... without me ........... Hmmmmm ...... Life !

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