Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What a World!

This week has been ...... well, it's been there.

I ran my cell phone through the washing machine on Monday. When I found it, I took out the battery hoping a drying out might save me, even put phone and battery in rice. No luck. The one I saved for insurance? The last phone I had? I apparently turned in its power charger, mistaking which one would work with that phone.

Last night with Larry at home WITH ME I accomplished more in moving the house around than I have in a month! This mess PARALYZES me. (I used to stay away from my dorm during exam time in college -- because there was no time to clean and organize.) I can't find things, and can't remember if I put them somewhere the first time, second, or third time I moved them!

And this morning I got up to finish some financial tracking I'd worked 3-4 hours on yesterday. Again with all this hectic mess of '09, I've had a hard time keeping track of bills OR paying them. Recently a local cop stopped me and pointed out that my car tags were overdue, and he'd called in to find out if they were paid and just not on. NOPE! I was supposed to renew in Nov 08. It was mid-Oct 09. Such a merciful man! He must have a mid-fifties mom like me! He let me off withOUT the $250 fine.

Oh, the excel sheet from yesterday? I'd worked and organized and entered data, and apparently didn't save it on my laptop, and this morning I couldn't find it anywhere. It's possible I did save it -- feel like I remember saving it repeatedly -- but who knows where! I spent a couple hours and have it up again.

So, is it really "only the world"? I know it is.

I still feel like crying. Because I kept waking all night long. I'm tired today.

But I have too many good things to be thankful for give in to the crying. I'll be OK.

It's all just temporary.

Darkest right before the dawn.

Takes both sunshine and rain to make a rose.

A diamond is a piece of coal that stuck to the job.

I'm hanging on!

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