Monday, January 4, 2010


Wow! It's been such a busy time! First was the rush of wrapping, baking, and washing. Then once we arrived with the grandkids there was play, play, play! I have empathy constantly for the mothering my daughters now do.

Libby is a magical blessing! WOW! A girl for Joy and I to play dolls with! The boys love her -- wonderously! -- but they still play the loud, blustery boy-play! She'll find her own ways of keeping up -- watch out, brothers!!!

We miss Jenny and Jon, and Paul and Emily. I'd love to see Paul and Emily around a Christmas tree. Lora and Andrew are with us now, enjoying their time when everyone else is back to the grind. The good side to a belated holiday!

Now I sit back and survey tasks I need to tackle, and feel I still need to cherish the quiet glory of the season. I am realizing God's quiet sufficiency. Today I have been wondering if I've really been reaching for the strength He has promised to give if we ask -- expecting an answer!

It's a wonderful snowy day outside! Heavy snowfall! Big flakes! Beauty! Magic! Calm.....

I think I need to enjoy the mysteries around me, and trust the Maker of the Snow for the things I can't understand.

And see what other mysteries are present that I've overlooked!

Man, I love to watch a snowfall! Feel like a six-year-old kid -- till I start shoveling the driveway.....


Tami said...

There's so much down-to-earth elegance to your writing. Sweet and honest, full of strong faith and vulnerability. I cannot tell you how many times I've read (and reread) your blogs as little reminders of trust and patience. Just thought I'd let you know how your faith in God trickles down to others and makes a difference:)

Thanks for all your comments on my blog too!

grammasnotes said...

Thanks so much, Tami. You're very close to my heart.... don't forget.

joy said...

had a great time with you! Thanks for a great visit. see you soon.